Rylan hits back at trolls accusing him of ‘bragging’ about mum’s private health care

Rylan Clark has hit back at claims that he was "bragging" about being able to afford private healthcare for his mother, after she suffered a nasty fall on holiday.

The mum and son duo, who are incredibly close, had been enjoying a holiday abroad after 10 years not travelling anywhere together, when the accident happened.

After arriving back in the UK, Rylan, 35, and his mum Linda were hit by more difficulties when trying to get her stitches and staples removed.

The former Big Brother star took to Twitter to ask for help after being on the phone to a NHS hospital for hours, only to be told they hadn't received a referral from Linda's GP.

He also revealed that a private surgery had refused to take her in as the original surgery had not been done by them.

Rylan then asked his followers: "If anyone knows of any private hospitals/ medical groups in the Essex area that would accept her as an outpatient please get in touch."

And some fellow Twitter users were less than impressed with him opting for private care, with one accusing him of "paying to Q Jump."

The TV and radio presenter hit back at these trolls, writing: "For any confusion. Mum is in an arm cast and has a leg brace on, she has broken her arm an leg in Spain.

"The Spanish surgeon says she needs the staples out this week (time sensitive) and I need to pick it up the second we get back. She has to have nurses and care anyway because of her other serious illness, which I've arranged.

"I've tried to book private medical aftercare because one, I can afford to and 2, I believe if you can afford it you should, so you don't have to put any more burden on an exhausted NHS.

"Three companies wouldn't accept her as they didn't do her surgery (crazy, as all she needs is staples out, casts off and physio. Her NHS GP surgery which was great then referred her urgently to the local hospital fracture clinic (twice) as it's time sensitive for risk of infection.

"Four days and no response from the clinic, most probably due to many patients, I come on twitter to ask advice, no slating the NHS, in fact praising, but asking what to do next as it's time sensitive. Ridiculous headlines and quite a few wronguns on Twitter.

"Now, BECAUSE of my tweet, a private company that WILL accept her got in touch and will see her this week, thankfully. Hope that clears up any confusion for you trolls saying I'm bragging about money, slating the NHS. My priority is my mum, always has been, always will be. Have a lovely day."

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