The legendary queen of the holidays, Mariah Carey, has a little secret up her sleeve and it’s not a new Christmas album (it’s even better).
Carey recently sat down with GQ to share her 10 Christmas essentials including spending the holiday in Aspen, Colorado for the prettiest snowfall and watching classic Christmas movies like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. She also revealed that she’s a really good holiday cook — so good that she wants to release a Christmas cookbook.
Christmastime is when Chef Mariah makes her star appearance: “I love to cook every year. I cook on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th; all different menus,” she explained. She makes one of her father’s recipes that he gave her before he passed away every Christmas Eve, and makes a traditional turkey for Christmas day.
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“It took me a while to learn how to do the turkey,” Carey confessed. Luckily, she usually has a sous-chef with her to make sure everything goes flawlessly.
When pressed about what other dishes she makes, the singer’s lips were sealed.
“I do have a very specific menu that I won’t go in to right now cause one day I’m gonna put out a Christmas cookbook,” she said, adding that the book will include her favorite holiday recipes as well as her Christmas must-haves.
Surprised that Carey cooks? You’re not the only one. “People don’t believe I cook. They think I’m lying. Lots of people are like, ‘she don’t cook’ but the truth is I do, and I actually love cooking,” she said. “But the truth is that I actually love cooking. I don’t usually cook during the year until Christmastime but I’ve been cooking a little bit more recently because my kids kind of like it when I cook.”
“Even though it takes up a lot of time,” she continued, “it’s relaxing for me because I’m not thinking about business, I’m not thinking about anything else, I’m just down there in the kitchen cooking.”
While we’ll have to wait for her cookbook to drop, Carey did share her secret ingredient: love. “If you don’t cook with love it’s not going to taste good.”
Watch the full GQ video above for all of the star’s Christmas essentials.
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