You'll need to know the password to get a free Krispy Kreme doughnut today

Fancy a free Krispy Kreme doughnut today?

Well, we wouldn’t say no.

If you’ve got a craving for carbs and sugar, you’re in luck, as 7 June (that’s today) marks National Doughnut Day; a glorious occasion when Krispy Kreme hands out Original Glazed dougnuts for free.

Getting your greedy paws on the treat isn’t as easy as showing up to your nearest Krispy Kreme, though.

You’ll need to know the secret password and have a voucher staff can scan.

The good news is that we know the password, and we’re willing to share it. We also have the voucher.


The password is: ‘I believe the world is shaped like a doughnut’.

Say that to the person at the Krispy Kreme counter, present them with the voucher below (you can also get it online), and enjoy a free doughnut for your troubles.

Be warned, there are some terms and conditions.

You need to go to a proper Krispy Kreme location, not just your usual little shelf in your local supermarket.

The offer isn’t available in Selfridges, Bentalls, Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Moto, Universities, Welcome Break, Roadchef, EuroGarages, or Center Parcs.

You also can’t redeem it for online orders, at Krispy Kreme mobile events, or at Krispy Kreme Occasions.

Your best bet is to find your nearest store and head over.

Oh, and as with all freebies, the deal is subject to availability. When the doughnuts are gone, they’re gone, and you’re not allowed to throw a tantrum.

The voucher only entitles you to an Original Glazed, so if you have a hankering for sprinkles you’ll need to pay for a second doughnut. Or perhaps a third. No judgement here.

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