Herbs are essential for cooking delicious dinners, but packets of herbs in supermarkets can be quite expensive for the amount you actually get. For a cheaper option, why not grow your own herbs at home? Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a garden to grow herbs yourself, a kitchen windowsill will work just as well!
Not everyone has lots of space to grow their own herbs, but there are plenty of herbs that take very well to growing in a container.
Just make sure you find a spot with plenty of sunlight, such as by a window or on a balcony.
Once your herb garden is in full spring, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from to spice up ordinary dinners.
An abundance of readily-available herbs will be a welcome addition to any budding home chef’s kitchen.
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Basil is a versatile herb, perfect for adding more depth and flavour to simple dishes.
You can try adding it to pasta sauces or soups, or sprinkling over salads as a garnish.
Basil likes lots of sunlight, so once you have planted and potted your basil seeds, pop it near a south-facing window.
Rosemary provides strong flavours, and is perfect paired with meat like lamb.
Rosemary is also easy to grow, and doesn’t require much maintenance to flourish.
Just make sure you don’t overwater your rosemary plant, and ensure the pot your rosemary grows in allows for good drainage.
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Many people are partial to a cup of mint tea, and with your own mint plant you can make this fresh every day.
Mint also happens to be an easy plant to grow at home, but unlike other plants it requires very little sunlight.
Don’t overwater mint, and keep it in a location where it will get some sunlight but not directly.
Growing your own cress may bring back fond memories for many of us who grew the herb in primary school.
It’s an incredibly easy herb to grow at home, and can make a delicious addition to a simple egg sandwich.
Sow some cress seeds over some damp, not wet, compost and place it on a windowsill.
In a few week’s time your cress should have grown and be ready to use!
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