The seven plant groupings you should always avoid – expert shares key pairings

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Grouping crops can have many benefits ranging from pest control to the quality of your homegrown plants. Planting young crops in pairs and groups might sound simple, but there are a few key rules you need to know. spoke to award winning gardening author, Stephanie Hafferty to find out how to do it, and why it could be the key to your best crops yet.

Pairing varieties of vegetables, flowers and shrubs can create a dynamic display in any garden.

Known as companion planting, this ancient technique is used by gardeners across the world to achieve a productive yet stunning space.

Speaking exclusively to, no-dig expert and author Stephanie Hafferty said: “Companion planting is a simple and productive way to grow healthy flowers and vegetables.

“It controls pests naturally and safely, and attracts beneficial insects to the garden, pollinators and predators.

“Some plants really do not benefit from growing together, but fortunately for home gardeners with a limited amount of space, there are not too many of those.”

How to safely group garden plants

Making the wrong pairing could hinder the growth of your plants, but how can you choose appropriate groupings?

Stephanie said: “Mostly it is down to common sense. For example, avoid growing plants which spread widely such as squashes, alongside small plants such as lettuce which will be smothered by the leaves.”

You should always avoid growing tall plants such as sunflowers or climbing beans next to sun-loving plants like tomatoes.

Towering plants will create a shaded barrier, preventing crops from accessing essential sunlight.

Which plants should never be grouped?

While some crops will thrive from neighbouring plants, there are a few key varieties which are better suited to their own space.

For healthy growth you should avoid:

Planting herbs near cucumbers

Keep sage, basil and rosemary away from fresh-tasting cucumber plants.

Drew Swainston, kitchen gardener at Netherby Hall told “The strong scent of some herbs can impact the taste of the cucumber as it grows.

“Sage can also stunt a cucumber’s growth and attract insects that can harm the plant.”

Closely grouping alliums

Alliums, such as garlic and onions, can inhibit the growth of beans or peas if they are planted too close together.

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Planting heavy feeders close together

Be wary of planting heavy feeders such as tomatoes and corn next to each other.

Both have a voracious appetite and will compete for the same nutrients, which will ultimately be detrimental to the crop.

Hungry courgettes will struggle next to vigorous potatoes as the latter will take all the nutrients the courgettes need to thrive.

Combining vegetables and sunflowers

Some plants can have toxic effects on others, such as sunflower seeds.

The seeds dropped by a sunflower releases toxins into the soil that can hamper the growth of crops like potatoes and beans.

Planting large areas of a singular crop

Try to avoid monocultures in your garden by keeping plants varied and dynamic, said Stephanie.

She added: “Increasing biodiversity in the garden with polyculture, that is growing a wide range of plants together, looks beautiful, increases yields, attracts beneficial wildlife and reduces attacks from pests which are less likely to be able to spot their favourite plant.”

Grouping plants which attract the same pests

It is best not to grow plants together which attract the same pests and diseases, to reduce the risk of spreading.

Avoid grouping potatoes and tomatoes as they are both prone to the same blight spores

Carrots and parsnips likewise are both attractive to carrot root fly, so it is best to keep them apart (unless you grow them under enviromesh)

Grouping mint and asparagus

Asparagus prefers a more solitary existence, thriving best when grown separately from other plants.

Stephanie added: “It is a long term commitment and well worth giving special space to.

“I grow flowers around the edges of the asparagus bed for colour, but keep just asparagus in the main bed.

Keep mint in pots to avoid invasive growth and always separate different varieties for maximum flavour.

Which plant combinations work well?

  • Roses and alliums – to deter harmful insects and attract pollinators
  • Tomatoes and French marigolds – to reduce white fly
  • Tomatoes and basil – enrich the flavour of your tomatoes with this classic Italian pairing
  • Basil and aubergine
  • Basil and peppers
  • Basil and lettuce
  • Carrots and alliums – to deter carrot root fly
  • Spring onions, leeks and carrots – sow spring onions or leeks between rows of carrots
  • Garlic chives and carrots
  • Calendula, marigolds, cornflowers and borage with beans and strawberries – to attract pollinators
  • Nasturtiums and beans – to deter blackfly and aphids while feeding wildlife
  • French marigolds and potatoes – to deter eelworm
  • Sweetcorn, squash and sunflowers – a perfect mix of shade, moisture and colour

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