Blind Man Asks Facebook Group for Descriptions of Their Dogs and Gets Internet Gold in Return

How would you describe your dog? What’s their personality? How soft are they? What other animals do they look like?

This is what Stephen Shkuratoff of Calgary, Canada, wanted to know. Shkuratoff is a devoted dog lover and a blind man. He is also a member of the Facebook group Dogspotting Society — a place for members of different Dogspotting groups to discuss their own dogs and get to know other group members.

Dogspotting is what it sounds like — a Facebook page where you can post photos and videos of random, adorable dogs you spot out in the world. Often Dogspotting posters let their photos do the talking, just providing written information on the dog’s name and where they were spotted.

To be able experience more of the canine cuteness Dogspotting has to offer, Shkuratoff posted a sweet ask on the Dogspotting Society Facebook page.

“I love being a member of this group!” Shkuratoff’s post reads. “I am blind and was hoping to ask for more dog descriptions. Personality traits are more helpful than colors. Like how soft the dog is, for example. Bonus as always for dogs full of kisses and snuggles. Thanks for making me feel included. Hope no one minds me asking for descriptions a lot recently.”

No one in the group minded, instead they were eager to share creative descriptions of their pooches. Shkuratoff received over 2,000 responses to his request.

“When I say I love you, he winks at me. His tail is long and it’s like a whip, you need to step aside or you get bruised. He has smooth short hair and floppy ears. From tip of his nose, to the end of his tail- he takes up 3 couch cushions and I’ve been sitting on a folding chair.” Karen Steffens-Trimblett wrote about her pit bull-boxer mix Duke in response to Shkuratoff’s post.

Like Steffens-Trimblett’s description, many of the responses Shkuratoff received read like love letters to the dogs described.

“Maze is a little muscle-packed turbo charged tank. She’s endlessly excited and ridiculously stubborn. Her ears are like velvet and her belly is smoother than a marble. I love the spot above her lip and under her nose where they meet. That spot is so soft and has such a unique feel. Her tail knocks over anything in its path. She is the destroyer of worlds,” another Dogspotting Society member wrote about their pup.

Pretty much all of the responses are worth a read, and they should also inspire you to think about how you would lovingly describe your own pet.

Shkuratoff was moved by the group’s excited and thoughtful reaction to his ask and is grateful to find an accepting community of fellow dog lovers.

“All these descriptions are so lovely and I am very thankful,” he said after reading through the overwhelming number of responses.

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