ESSENCE GU: Flo Is The Future

Flo is ESSENCE GU’s November digital cover stars. Read the full interview at

When you’re in a girl group where style is key, having no nails isn’t ideal—especially if you’re on set for a cover shoot. “Hey, babe, can we get through this video, I promise we will glue all of those nails back on,” I say gently to Jorja for a quick pep talk, one of the three members of Flo. “I had acrylic nails on, but they made me take them off for this shoot,” she responds, with a pout that a supermodel would envy.  

On set, all of the group members needed to get custom “Flo” press-ons. Unfortunately for Jorja, hers kept falling off. So in the interest of time, she took one for the team and removed all her nails to get the video done—but she wasn’t happy about it. After comfort from her group members as they walked on set to shoot their first look, she opened up with a burst of energy that brightened up the already flashy set. 

A few weeks before I met Flo, at Milk Studios in Los Angeles, I was able to interview the viral stars over Zoom. All three were in London, squeezed together on a couch to fit into the camera, and the conversation felt like a few old friends catching up. Renée Downer, 20, and Stella Quaresma, 21, are longtime pals who initially connected in secondary school (high school); Jorja Douglas, 20, made the trio complete when they met her at an audition in 2019. However, through the lens of an interviewer, you would think the trio is related- finishing each other’s sentences, speaking up when one may seem nervous, and fixing a hair for one another if a frizz is out of place.  “We get along so well,” says Renee. “I don’t see it working any other way. I wouldn’t be able to do it if there was anybody else.” 

Read the full interview here.

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