‘I’m judged over my tattoos and hissed at in public – it’s discrimination’

A heavily tattooed model has hit out at the “discrimination” she faces in every day life.

Amber Luke felt like an “alien” when she was out shopping in Westfield in Brisbane, Australia, this week.

While some gawped at her alternative look, others made cruel comments or gestures towards her.

On Instagram, the 26-year-old revealed: “Today I was walking through a shopping centre and usually when I’m in a crowd of people you get mixed reactions.

“You get people who look at you, glance at you and smile. You get people who comment nice things to your face – they’re the best ones.

“You get people who scoff, you get people who cough, you get people who hiss when they walk past. Humans are weird, man.”

Amber continued: “I think today it just hit different. It felt different.

“Today I was an alien to society…

“Not even exaggerating when I say this, every person and their dog was saying negative things either to me, behind my back or as I walked past.

“I don’t know where we went wrong, where our manners went out the door and when our respect for fellow humans went out the door.

“There’s so much hatred in society that I can’t even fathom why and how you have the audacity to project hatred towards an individual that is a stranger towards you.”

Amber urged people to stop being “toxic” about how others look.

She argued that it’s “twisted” to make people feel “inadequate” and “not welcome” because of their tattoos.

And in a final message to her critics, the defiant model said she will no longer be standing for people who are rude to her in public.

She said; “I’m not sticking for it anymore, I’m not having it.

“If you wanna stare at me in public, I’ll stare back at you.

Amber added: “If you wanna ostracise me in public, I’ll make you feel like the issue because you are.

“You wanna come at me, come right ahead.”

The model’s post garnered more than 1,500 views and many agreed with her message.

One commenter said: “Super proud of you right now! You keep that head high, there’s nothing you can’t do Amber.”

And another agreed: “You really don’t deserve this. No one who expresses themselves through looks should deal with this. You are amazing and so strong.”

And a third added: “Be you, you’re amazing. Sending love your way.”

Amber, who first went under the needle as a teenager, has covered 98% of her body in ink over the last decade.

She has more than 600 tattoos – including geometric designs all over her chest, portraits on her thighs and bold eyeball ink.

The influencer also has body modifications like dermal piercings, stretched ears and a split tongue.

Even though she’s altered her looks a lot over the years, it’s unlikely Amber will be stopping any time soon.

She's currently in the process of getting the sleeves on her arms blacked out, which is excruciatingly painful to do.

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