My partner has been sexting other women on a dating site and swapping rude pictures

DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner has been playing away.

He’s contacted other women on a dating site, swapping some rude pictures and some of the messages read like they have had sex.

My partner denied this when I confronted him, but looking back over the messages it looks like he’s been messing around for over two years.

He has apologised and promised he won’t message any of these women again. He’s already deleted the app.

But the thing that has got me furious is he’s blamed me for his wandering eye.

Two years ago, I was going through the menopause and there wasn’t much physical contact between us.

I am 52 and my partner is 53. We have been together for eight years and generally have a good relationship which is why I was shocked when I discovered what he had been doing.

He assures me he wants to rebuild our relationship, but I am not so sure.

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DEIDRE SAYS: The menopause certainly affects women’s sex drive, but it is often blamed when the real problems started earlier.

Yes, your partner was wrong to cheat. But you both need to accept mistakes will have been made.

You can’t save your relationship unless he is genuinely sorry.

Talk to him about how you can boost your sex life together. My support pack Your Relationship MOT will help.

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