A woman claims she is able to stay in five-star hotels and live a lavish lifestyle despite only earning £16,000 a year.
Anastasia Robertson, a carer from Salford, is also a sugar baby – exchanging dates with older, richer men for money or gifts.
Earlier this year, the Manchester Evening News spoke to Jessica Hyer, 24, who said being a sugar baby had damaging long-term consequences.
She turned to sugar daddy dating after getting into debt while studying at university in Manchester, and said the 'pay per dates' arrangements soon became sex work for her.
But now Anastasia, 23, says she makes dates sign an agreement to say their relationship will be platonic.
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She has been a sugar baby for two years after signing up to website Seeking Arrangement.
She's dated eight men – including a doctor, an engineer and a CEO.
"I've been flown out to Spain on an all-inclusive holiday and I went on a yacht trip and paragliding.
"A sugar daddy once paid for me to spend the night at Hotel Gotham – which is a really posh hotel in Manchester that I've always wanted to stay at, and another paid for me to get a dragon tattoo on my back.
"I've had around £3,000 worth of presents as well. I've got a beautiful necklace, a leather rucksack, leather shoes and a bracelet too."
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Anastasia met her last boyfriend through the sugar daddy website – she was flown out to Spain to meet him on a date.
They split up earlier this year as they weren't compatible, she says.
“When the holiday was over and we were back in the UK, he didn’t want to tell anyone how we really met – and that was a bit of an issue for me, as I believe in honesty.
“I suppose it was more of a holiday romance – we both just got caught up in the moment," she added.
She still dates people through other apps like Tinder, and through friends.
Anastasia says she's been warned to steer clear of men who sign up to sugar daddies website with bad intentions.
Nicknamed 'salt daddies', they might even create fake profiles in order to catfish women.
She said: “A ‘salt daddy’ is obviously the opposite to a sugar daddy. Salt daddies promise you the world and what they’re saying always sounds too good to be true.
“Sometimes they are fake people and sometimes they are just men that love to play the field and make promises to loads of girls at the same time.
“They love getting girls' hopes up and then letting them down.
“The trouble is they can get away with it because on these websites there’s just too much choice.”
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