32% of British people don’t shower every day, and they might have happier skin because of it

Written by Morgan Fargo

Are we all washing too much? Here’s what an expert says. 

Are we washing too much? According to a recent study by Ifop, a French opinion polling organisation, we might be. 68% of British people wash every day, compared to 76% of French people and 77% of Germans. Only Italy reported fewer instances of washing daily, coming in at 53%. We’ve been taught to wash daily, not least because of the active things we do, from exercise to lunchtime walks and more. But is it necessary and is it causing damage to our skin? 

“Daily washing isn’t a necessity all year round, although skin does not ‘clean itself’, per se,” advises Emma Coleman, a dermatology and aesthetic RGN.

“Skin goes through frequent shedding of cells to rejuvenate itself, but it collects dirt, sweat and pollutants from the surrounding environment. For this reason, I recommend most people wash their skin at least three times weekly.”

So, daily washing might not be a necessity as far as your cleanliness is concerned, but what if it forms part of your non-negotiable routine? There are some ways to make sure it doesn’t harm your skin barrier. 

“Aggressive, daily cleaning techniques will eventually cause the skin to break down, flaring atopic dermatitis, eczema, and often causing uncomfortable itchy, red skin, especially in autumn and winter,” explains Coleman.

“A gentle, unscented soap should be used to clean the armpits, groin and feet after shampooing and conditioning hair in the shower. I like Faith in Nature soaps, which are made with natural ingredients,” she recommends.

Like most things, finding the frequency that works for you is important, especially when it comes to bathing. But, if you prefer not to wash every day, you’re in a sizeable minority; just make sure you don’t forget about it entirely. 

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