Read This Before You Start Threading Your Own Eyebrows At Home

Let’s face it: Eyebrow threading can be tricky as hell. It’s not something people normally tackle on their own, but then again, the times we’re in right now aren’t exactly “normal.” That said, some brow threading enthusiasts have taken to practicing the DIY method at home. That’s right, it’s just you and some string, no expert hands required.

First, let’s talk a little bit about what brow threading is exactly. “Threading involves twisting thread in a loop like a lasso and pulling the ‘knots’across your brows,” says Vanita Parti, brow threading expert and founder of Blink Brow Bar. “The knots catch each individual hair and whip it out by the root.” Sound complicated? Well, that’s because it kind of is. Technicians get certified in the practice so that you don’t risk doing things like cutting your skin or messing up your brow shape by trying it on your own. But, if you do want to give it a go at home, keep reading for absolutely everything you need to know about threading your own eyebrows, according to Parti.

Brow threading can be painful at first.

This is a totally valid question to ask when it comes to getting any kind of aesthetic treatment on your skin. Is the pain worth the gain? “Everyone has different thresholds and the first time can be painful as it is a new sensation,” explains Parti. “But youquickly get used to it and as the hair follicles weaken over time, it becomes less painful.” Got it. Basically, threading works just like any other kind of hair removal. (Think waxing, laser, or tweezing.) The more you do it, the less it hurts.

There is a risk of cutting your skin when brow threading.

As mentioned above, it’s very possible that you could cut yourself by brow threading on your own says Parti. This would happen if the knot from the thread catches on your skin as you pull away, which just sounds (and looks) plain painful. Another thing? It’s also super difficult to give your brows the proper arch on your own. “It can be done,” explains Parti, “But they’re very difficult to shape by yourself.” Noted!

That’s why Parti notes that when getting your brows threaded, the skin along your brow bone must be properly stretched so that there’s no risk of catching or tugging. This can be super hard to just do in front of the mirror, which is why experts typically recommend taking up other practices for at-home treatments like tweezing or waxing.

Before you start threading at home, watch a lot of tutorials.

Can you thread your own brows? In short, the answer is yes. But you need to be extra careful and it takes a lot of practice says Parti. She explains that it’s best to start by watching a bunch of YouTube tutorials so that you’re sure you have the technique down. Of course, it’s best to learn all of this in-person with a pro, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Once you feel like you have the technique down, and before you do anything with your brows, Parti says to start by threading off the little hairs on your hands as practice. If you’re feeling confident, then you can take your newfound skills to your brows or upper lip.

What you’ll need:
– Threading thread
– Spoolie Brush to shape brows where you want them
– Ice cubes or Orajel for numbing
– Tweezers for any stray hairs or hard to reach spots

Go slow and grab a buddy to help out.

“When you are brave enough to tackle your brows, ask a family member to stretch your skin,” says Parti. Yeah, that means that your roommate, dad, sibling, etc. will need to stand there and hold up your brow skin the entire time you do this. Sure, it seems a little tedious, but trust me, you will *not* want to feel the pain of getting your skin pulled by the thread.

Be sure to carve out a large chunk of your day for threading so that you can go slowly, taking the time you need to thread each individual hair. If you’re worried about over doing it, just start by threading the super obvious strays around the tops of your arches. Since the skin under the brow is super delicate (it’s basically your eyelid). It’s best to hold off on that area if you can for when you see an actual pro.

If threading is too tough, try one of these alternative hair removal methods.

Too scared to thread on your own? Totally understandable. Parti suggests using some super grip tweezers instead. “Stretch the skin and pull the brow hair in the direction of growth,” she explains. “Don’t get pluck happy, though, and ensure you create boundaries so that you don’t lose the shape.” You can draw on those boundaries with a brow pencil or eyeliner to make sure you don’t over do it. (Think of it like a stencil!)

If plucking, waxing, or removal of any sorts is totally out of the question for you, that’s what makeup is for. You can use brow pencils to draw in the shape you’re looking for and then dab on some concealer at the end for extra definition.

Basically, regardless of what method you choose, the most important thing is to be careful and to leave any major shape changes to a brow threading master. Now get to work!

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