Is ‘Cats’ destined for rebirth as a cult midnight movie?

Could “Cats” get a ninth life as a cult midnight movie?

After coughing up a total hairball at the box office — and getting clawed by film critics — sources close to the project are hanging onto hope that the film could become the next “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which bombed in 1975 before becoming a cult classic.

At a recent “Cats” screening in Brooklyn, more than 20 fans (including a Post reporter) were decked out in cat ears, tails, whiskers and fluffy jumpsuits, and we hear things devolved into “Rocky Horror”-level antics, as the theater filled with kitty noises.

“Little Shop of Horrors” star Gideon Glick tweeted: “I can’t believe I saw ‘Cats’ again last night. I am safely decreeing that it’s the next ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show.’” And we hear Rachel Antonoff and dad Rick Antonoff are making plans to host a “Meow-a-Long” (as Rachel’s calling it) of the film this summer, dressing up as “Cats” characters. One woman in Oakland, Calif., was recently spotted wearing a T-shirt exclaiming, “I just f–king love cats, okay.”

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