Jesse Meester Blasts Darcey Silva: She Cheated on Me with Tom! And on Tom With ME!

We have all seen how Darcey Silva’s trust issues with Georgi Rusev have endangered their relationship.

Those of us who watched her struggles on 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days understand why she is this way.

But Georgi is grasping for answers and wondering if there’s any way forward with Darcey.

So he reaches out to her most infamous ex, Jesse Meester … who has quite a story to tell.

While the titular stars of Darcey & Stacey go to Turkey to get total makeovers, Georgi Rusev is left uncertain.

(Or left without a storyline and needed to film himself doing something other than brooding handsomely)

On Season 2, Episode 8 of the show, we saw him grimly contemplating how Darcey had reached out to his ex behind his back.

Georgi had given Darcey the cold shoulder before she had left, acting as if they might be over.

On camera (still at their shared residence), however, he can’t get her out of his head.

His need to trust her (and for a storyline) drives him to do the unthinkable — reach out to her ex, Jesse Meester.

Georgi video chats with Jesse Meester, one of the most widely disliked 90 Day Fiance villains of all time.

Genuinely, it’s rare to get the level of dislike that people feel towards this guy on the show.

Most of the stars this broadly hated by fans are women and especially women of color, but Jesse is just … difficult to like.

Fans were pissed that Jesse got screen time on Darcey & Stacey, even if it was just in a video chat.

Georgi explained the reason for which he was dancing with the devil.

Ostensibly, the call was to compare notes on Jesse’s experiences while dating Darcey.

Even Georgi admitted that it was weird, though.

Speaking to the camera, he acknowledged that he’d heard so much about Darcey’s toxic exes.

Seeing Jesse and talking to him about the woman he loves, whom Jesse hurt so badly, was beyond awkward.

Georgi spoke to Jesse about trust issues of Darcey’s.

(Trust issues that Jesse helped to enforce, by the way)

He quickly confirmed that he’d had at least some similar experiences to Georgi’s.

Jesse described how he would hand Darcey his phone so that she could “check” it.

This refers to toxic relationship dynamics where one snoops on the other’s electronic history.

With permission is better than without, but it’s still creepy and unsettling.

Georgi was stunned, because Darcey also does this to him.

This helped him to understand that, for better or for worse, this isn’t just about how Darcey views him.

Her insecurities are so ingrained that it’s part of who she is.

Jesse shared that he had something to tell Georgi.

He initially claimed that he was reluctant to relay it because it wasn’t his “place” to tell Georgi.

Just kidding — he almost immediately skipped past his hesitation and told all.

According to Jesse, when Darcey was dating him, she cheated on him.

This is because, he claimed, she had started dating someone else without telling him.

That someone was her other famous on-screen ex, Tom Brooks.

According to Jesse’s account, Darcey was two-timing them both.

She was cheating on Jesse by dating Tom.

And she was cheating on Tom by continuing to secretly date Jesse.

According to Jesse, he and Tom compared notes, including date stamps on messages.

He doesn’t go into a lot of detail here, however.

Georgi is stunned … and incredulous.

Here’s the thing:

Georgi knows Darcey pretty well by this point.

He is the first to acknowledge that, at times, she can be “difficult.”

But that huge understatement doesn’t mean that she’s necessarily a cheater.

More to the point, he knows how Jesse treated her during their miserable, toxic romance.

By the end, Georgi acknowledges, there was no relationship there to betray.

Georgi doesn’t fully regret reaching out to Jesse, because it reinforces what he already knew: Jesse is full of s–t.

Additionally, he hopes that Darcey will see how willing and eager exes are to lie.

Maybe she will ignore Octavia as he ignored the wild claims by Jesse.

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