Twitter Establishes Juneteenth as Official Company Holiday

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced that from today onward, the company will recognize Juneteenth as a company-wide holiday.

“Both Twitter and Square are making #Juneteenth (June 19th) a company holiday in the US, forevermore. A day for celebration, education, and connection,” Jack, who also runs Square, shared in an announcement thread on the social platform.

He went on, “Countries and regions around the world have their own days to celebrate emancipation, and we will do the work to make those dates company holidays everywhere we are present.”

If you are unfamiliar, Juneteenth is celebrated annually on June 19 and commemorates the official end of slavery in the United States, when the last people in Galveston, Texas were informed on June 19, 1865 — two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation — that the Civil War was over and that enslaved people were now free.

Jack also shared a link for other companies who observe the holiday to be added to a list. See that here!

If you missed it, Jack also donated a large sum to Colin Kaepernick‘s Legal Defense Fund. See how much here…

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