Mum blasted for saying parents who pack lunches 'suck all the enjoyment out of life’

PACKING your child's school lunch box is an everyday chore most parents never even think twice about.

But while it just happen to be the simplest solution when you have a fussy eater at home, one mother has accused parents who rely on packed lunches of "sucking all the enjoyment out of life".

Posting on Mumsnet, the anonymous mother revealed she was "disappointed" when her friend made her and her children packed lunches on a recent trip to a theme park.

She wrote: "I was grateful, of course, for the time, effort and money on her part but what's the harm in buying food out?

"It's always been the case that I can't help but feel a little sad when I see families on a day out at a theme park, zoo, for example, sat on a bench eating (warm?) sandwiches wrapped in foil with a fruit shoot."

Delving into why she takes issue with packed lunches, the mum said she was always told that buying food out was "too expensive" when she was a child and she doesn't "want that kind of life" for her own children.

Although we can appreciate the logic behind this, the mum concluded: "Am I being unreasonable to think that life is too short to spend time making a sandwich when really you can just spend a bit extra and have the hassle taken away?

"It just seems so strange to me and as though people try and suck all enjoyment out of life."

As to be expected, other users have blasted the mum's attitude in the comments.

One disgruntled Mumsnet member replied: "Maybe you friend doesn't find it a hassle.

"Maybe she is temporarily short of money (or long term… you wouldn't necessarily know). Maybe she had half a load of bread that needed using up..

"I agree it's nice to have a treat of lunch out sometimes, or whenever you can, but it's not feasible for everyone all the time!"

Another rightfully pointed out: "Some people prefer picnics to fast food available in theme parks and zoos."

Accusing the woman of acting like a "snob", another slammed her for "implying if you can afford to go to a theme park you can afford to eat there, not everyone has that extra bit of money to spend."

However, not everyone was so critical – with some insisting that paying extra for food was "all part of the day out".

Sticking up for her, one replied: "It was a treat to eat out as a kid, especially as part of a day out. But the virtuous Mumsnetter must have their picnics…"

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