How to make a sourdough starter to bake bread and more if you don't have yeast

With more free time and a struggle to find food on the shelves, now is the time to learn how to make bread.

There’s even lots of free tutorials on bread making for you to try.

But the problem is finding yeast – a necessity for most bread recipes (though there are some you can make without it)

Sure flour (another baking essential) is hard to find too but you are more likely to have some of that in the cupboard already.

The good news is that you can use the flour to create your own sourdough starter to make bread, bagels, doughnuts and all sorts of other things.

A sourdough starter is basically demented flour and water that will help bread to rise (although it does it more slowly than fast acting yeast).

It needs looking after and fed daily at first so it’s a bit like a pet and a food source to keep you company through these solitary times.

Sourdough also adds a different flavour to your baked goods.

It is a slow process though – if you start today, it will be a week before you can bake your first loaf, but once you get one started, you can use it for years.

Some bakeries claim that the starter they use was started over 100 years ago.

You can also take some of it and give it to family members or friends (though you’ll probably have to wait until this is over, unless you are already leaving some essentials outside for them).

How to make a sourdough starter

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