Man vows never to eat Quavers again after nasty surprise: 'I could taste blood'

Have you ever bitten into something and got slightly more (or even less) than you bargained for?

Well, an actor has snapped a front tooth doing just that.

Actor Paul Ford, 33, was tucking into a packet of Quavers on July 8 when he suddenly tasted blood in his mouth.

Looking down at what he’d just bitten into, Paul claimed he saw a piece of metal instead of a tasty snack.

Paul’s been left needing expensive dental work, and he said he lost out on a day’s work that would have paid him £1,500.

He’s now vowed never to eat Quavers again.

The full-time actor said: ‘I was watching Netflix and eating a bag of Walkers prawn cocktail Quavers, and I bit into a piece of metal snapping my front tooth.

‘It looks like the top of a zip, and it was hidden in one of the curls.

‘At first, I didn’t think much of it as I thought it was just one of those hard, overcooked crisps, then I could taste blood in my mouth.

‘I looked in the mirror and thought “Oh no”.

‘I will only eat the flat ones so nothing is tucked in the curl hidden. I’d never eat quavers again after that, I don’t trust them.’

Paul wasn’t able to see a dentist until July 17, at which point what was left of his tooth was flattened and shaved back to the gum.

He’ll get a denture inserted where the tooth used to be, but he’s going to be out of work until that’s completed.

Paul, from Blackburn, Lancashire, said: ‘They took a mould of my mouth, and they’re going to have to put a denture in there. It’s going to cost me a fortune.

‘It was £80 just for that appointment and I have to go back for four more.’

‘I was supposed to be filming for Channel 5 the next day, a film called “Hard Work Pays Off”, but I had to call them to say I couldn’t come in.

‘I lost £1,500 for a day’s work.

‘To be honest, I would like [Walkers] to pay for the denture, or at least give me some compensation, as I’m not going to be able to work until it’s fixed.

‘I’ve got a feeling they’ll just end up sending me a multipack of crisps.’

A Walkers spokesperson said: ‘We’re sorry to hear about Paul’s experience.

‘The safety of our consumers is always our number one concern, and we take any issue like this very seriously.

‘We have asked Paul to send the product and object to us so we can conduct a full investigation.’

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