A Hoarders Organizer’s Room-by-Room Guide to Getting (and Staying) Clean in Quarantine


Bedside tables and drawers can accumulate junk fast — but Breininger has a method for organizing them just as quickly. To start, lay a solid colored towel on the bed and dump out all the drawers and everything sitting on the tabletops. 

“Create categories such as toiletries, office stuff, sewing kit, toys, electronics,” she says. “Put every item into a category and review each category. If the item is no longer useful, toss it; if it is useful and doesn’t belong on the nightstand, run the item to its proper home, then put back only what you need at your immediate bedside.”

Need more organization inspiration (or just something to pass the time while social distancing)? Hoarders marathons air every Sunday morning on A&E.

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