‘Excellent air purifier’: ‘Super helpful’ houseplants to have in your home – ‘perfect’

Monty Don provides advice on watering houseplants

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Houseplants are incredibly popular in the UK, with demand having increased greatly in the last two years. The majority of indoor plants are easy to care for and will provide benefits such as purifying the air, removing toxins from the air and helping owners sleep.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, one expert has shared “super helpful” houseplants to keep around the home.

Jo Lambell, founder of Beards & Daisies, explained: “You can never go wrong with a Snake Plant, they’re one of the most laid back and relaxed plants you could own.

“They thrive off neglect, so even if you forget to water them, they’ll still look after you by purifying the air within your home.”

According to the expert, Snake Plants can go weeks without needing a drink, especially during the winter months.

Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, the houseplant features sword-like leaves.

Jo added: “According to NASA, the Snake Plant is one of the best plants for improving air quality, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide from the air, making it an ideal home and office plant.

“We recommend placing it on your bedside table to help you drift off into a blissful slumber at night.”

The Snake Plant is also great for a home office, or even a bathroom.

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Another super easy to plant to care for is the Spider Plant, also known as Chlorophytum Conosum.

The expert explained: “The Spider Plant can be found naturally in the South Pacific and South Africa and is loved for its distinctive variegated foliage which resembles large blades of grass.

“Show off its cascading leaves in a hanging basket for a real eye-catching display.

“The Spider Plant isn’t just pretty to look at, it’s super helpful to have in your home too, as it’s an excellent air purifier.

“Better still, the variegated varieties of the Spider Plant produce more chlorophyll than other variegated houseplants which means more oxygen production.”

According to Jo, this plant is perfect for new plant parents, or those who have busy lifestyles.

She added: “Avoid overwatering, aim to keep the soil moist, but not soggy and allow to dry out slightly between watering but not completely.

“Position with bright, indirect light and your Spider Plant will thrive.”

NASA also unveiled that the Peace Lily houseplant, known for its bright white flowers, is also great for purifying the air.

The Peace Lily helps to filter indoor air, increasing the levels of humidity, thus helping owners to breathe better.

What’s more, the plant also absorbs airborne mould spores that are common allergens.

They enjoy medium to low light, meaning it is a great bedroom plant.

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