The Robot Vacuum-Mop Amazon Shoppers Compare to a Roomba Is Under $200 for the Next 24 Hours Only

Get your credit cards ready, because this is a limited-time deal you won't want to miss.

The Roborock E4 Robot Vacuum is majorly discounted on Amazon as a deal of the day — which means you can only take advantage of the sale until 3 a.m. ET. The popular vacuum has more than 2,600 five-star reviews on Amazon thanks to how powerful and effective it is at a "budget-friendly" price. 

The Roborock E4 has an impressive run time of just over three hours, can clean up to 2,152 square feet, and can self-charge if its battery is running low. Additionally, the vacuum is Alexa-enabled, and can even be converted into a mop with Roborock's mopping system, which consists of a water tank and microfiber pads that are sold separately for a total of $57. 

Amazon shoppers often compare the Roborock E4 to a Roomba, and many claim that it's "smarter" than and even "superior" to the higher-end models.

Buy It! Roborock E4 Robot Vacuum, $194.99 (orig. $299.99);

"I have both this product and a Roomba — up against each other, the Roborock wins hands down," one customer wrote. "It doesn't get stuck as much, it doesn't get hair tangled in it as easily, the sweeper is nylon so it's fantastic for hardwood floors, it learns the layout of the house faster… the list could go on."

The same reviewer wrote that the vacuum "keeps up in a 1,500 sq ft house" with "two long haired, double-coated dogs," and that it's cut down the time they spend cleaning "tremendously." 

Shoppers also rave that the Roborock E4 is quiet and easy to maintain. Plus, those who purchased the additional mopping system say that it's their "favorite part" of the vacuum and that it's "worth it."

Another customer with a four story home called the vacuum a "life saver." 

"It goes under furniture [and] easily gets under our table and cabinets," they wrote. "Its little sweeping arm gets the smallest crumbs. It can climb over thresholds to get in another room, and it even powers up to a higher suction when it is cleaning the area rugs. Best of all, I've told my kids if they don't clean up their toys, the robot vacuum will suck them up forever, which means they are cleaning their toys up too! Over all, win-win!"

Remember that you only have today to get the Roborock E4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner for under $200, so take advantage of the deal while you can.

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