Toxic plants to pets: Common flowers you need to keep OUT of your garden

Poisonous plants: Vets4Pets reveal which plants can harm pets

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Experts at have unveiled the most toxic summer plants pet owners should avoid planting in their gardens.

The Autumn Crocus

The Autumn Crocus is a very toxic plant that can cause severe health problems to pets – and can even be fatal.

Sniffing or ingesting the flower can cause vomiting, liver and kidney damage, and respiratory failure.

If you suspect your pet has eaten one of these, you must take it to the vet immediately.

However, owners should be aware that symptoms can appear after a few days.


Although some lilies are benign, pet owners should be able to recognise which ones are dangerous plants.

The most poisonous lilies are Tiger, Day, Asiatic, Easter and Japanese Show.

These are highly toxic, especially for cats.

Just small ingestion, which could be two or three petals, can cause severe kidney failure. Immediate medical care is necessary if you suspect your pet has consumed any lilies.


Azaleas are also extremely toxic to pets and can have serious effects.

Eating the leaves can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and excessive drooling and if not taking to the vet immediately, your pet can possibly die.


The roots of this flowering plant are the most dangerous part.

Ingestion can result in severe vomiting and even death.


Oleander leaves and flowers are extremely toxic.

They can cause severe vomiting to your pet, slow their heart rate and even cause death.

Lily of the Valley

Despite its beauty, this plant is very poisonous for pets and owners should make sure they keep it out of their garden.

Symptoms after ingestion can include vomiting, diarrhoea, a drop in heart rate, severe cardiac arrhythmias, and possibly seizures.

Pets that have been exposed to the plant should be examined by a veterinarian immediately.

Although some flowers bloom beautifully, it is essential to check which one can be dangerous for your pet.

Most of these plants are very common in summer, when owners should be especially aware.

Luckily, most poisonous plants have a bad smell and taste, making them unattractive to dogs and cats.

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