I've Been Blemish-Free for Months Thanks to This $26 Spot Treatment

The only thing more tedious than waking up in the morning to a few new, pesky blemishes is trying a constant rotation of acne treatments that just don’t work, which really kicks annoyance into high gear. I’ve been through my fair share of products that did quite the opposite of balancing out my acne-prone skin. Instead, they left my wallet a little thinner and my skin even more upset. While products formulated with ingredients like salicylic acid seemed promising, I was disappointed in the way these harsher options left my skin high and dry. So I began leaning towards more simplified, natural skincare, and much to my surprise, I made a resounding discovery that has changed my skin immensely. 

Blume’s Meltdown Treatment claims to “take down pimples overnight,” and while I was initially skeptical due to past products, I would be lying if I said I haven’t formed an unbeatable bond with this blended oil, routinely applying it nightly before bed. Featuring a variety of oils, including rosehip, sunflower seed, chamomile flower, and rosemary, just to name a few, the blend comes together to create a powerful treatment aimed at tackling blemishes, soothing inflammation, and reducing acne scarring. This facial oil does top-notch work while flying under the clean beauty radar, free of sulfates, phthalates, petrochemicals, talc, and silicone.

Thanks to this spot treatment, I can proudly say my blemishes have been non-existent ever since I incorporated it into my routine. On the few days when I’ve skipped my usual application, I’ve noticed my skin looks a little less bright and a bit more uneven, so I’ve vowed to carry the half-ounce bottle with me even on nightly trips. The bottle has lasted me months upon months, making the already-affordable price tag that much more worth it. My skin has been so much clearer, I am even finally comfortable forgoing foundation.

Head over to either Nordstrom or Amazon and pick up what could be your next favorite spot treatment. Better skin days are ahead for you. 

Blume Meltdown Blemish Treatment

Shop now: $26–$30, nordstrom.com, amazon.com

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