My mom ALTERED my wedding dress without asking me

My mother altered my WEDDING DRESS without my permission – she thought it was too revealing

  • A bride-to-be has asked for support from people on the web after the incident
  • She revealed that her mom altered her dress because it was ‘too revealing’ 
  • READ MORE: Bride, 26, in tears after nephew wears white to her wedding 

A bride-to-be has revealed her mom altered her wedding dress without her knowledge because it showed ‘too much cleavage.’ 

The unnamed woman took to Reddit to share her frustrations at her mother for changing her gown without checking with her. 

She asked for ‘support’ from people on the web after her mom changed the neckline. 

The bride said when she saw the alteration, she became furious and told her mother she would be changing the dress back.

A bride-to-be has revealed her mom altered her wedding dress without her knowledge because it showed ‘too much cleavage’ (dress pictured before alteration)

The unnamed woman took to Reddit to share her frustrations at her mother for changing her gown without checking with her

It prompted her mom to brand her as ‘ungrateful.’ 

Posting to the Wedding Dress subreddit, she revealed that her mom had tried to persuade her to get a different dress after seeing how low the neckline went. 

However, the bride-to-be refused and asked her mother to support her decision. 

But it appears she then decided to take things into her own hands.

Before diving into the details, the bride said she ‘wished she was joking.’

‘My mom altered my wedding dress in a way I explicitly asked her not to. She told me I showed too much cleavage and that I needed to cover up,’ the post read.

‘I said I thought it was fine and that I did not want to change the dress multiple times and even texted her about it.’ 

But her mom refused to listen and altered the dress by moving up the neckline. 

The bride then became furious and sent her mom a text letting her know how upset she was.

‘I sent her a message telling her she betrayed my trust in a big way and that because of this I wasn’t sure if I wanted to trust her with her future grandchildren since I couldn’t trust her with my wedding gown,’ she said. 

And instead of apologizing, the mother of the bride slammed her daughter. 

‘She responded by telling me I was ungrateful for the work she and my father put in and that they must have failed me as parents,’ the bride explained.

‘She said she did all of the cleavage cover-up by hand which I think is impressive.’

Although the bride noted that the dress looked ‘fine,’ it was not what she ‘wanted.’

‘I told her I would be altering the dress back if possible or purchasing a new dress,’ she added. 

The bride noted that while her mom was paying for the wedding, she would rather elope than have to deal with the constant struggles.  

Posting to the Wedding Dress subreddit, she said that her mom made the alteration so the gown wasn’t as revealing. Pictured is the gown before it was altered

 At the end of the post, the bride-to-be questioned if she was being ‘reasonable’ and asked for ‘reassurance.’ Pictured is the dress after it was altered

At the end of the post, the bride-to-be questioned if she was being ‘reasonable’ and asked for ‘reassurance.’ 

In a later comment, she also revealed she and her partner wanted a ‘very small’ wedding, but had been ‘steamrolled’ by her mother who booked the venue for them.

‘Further context is also that she [changed] the venue because the original venue was too stressful for her and she has been super manipulative/emotionally abusive my whole life,’ the bride wrote.

People flooded the comments to rush to defense and supported her decision to fire off at her mom. 

‘Seems like you should be going super low contact regardless. Also, seek therapy, I don’t mean that as an insult, but because you grew up in a home with emotional abuse,’ one Redditor said.

Another person added: ‘Honestly I think you’re underreacting. Your “normal meter” is probably broken by dealing with your mom’s behavior your whole life and watching others bend to her will or else experience her tantrums. Normal moms don’t do this.

‘When parents act like this you need to make it very clear that you aren’t their minor child anymore. I’d say your mom has lost her right to the joys other moms of adult daughters get to experience. That means she goes on an info diet immediately. Don’t accept any money or help from her as there are obviously strings attached. I think you’re spot on about not letting her watch your future children. She won’t respect anything you tell her such as nap time, feeding times, dietary restrictions, etc.

‘And that’s the crux of the problem: your mom doesn’t respect you as a fellow adult human. She changed your wedding dress and your venue! She’s extremely controlling and it’s clear what you want comes last, if at all,’ she added. 

Someone else wrote: ‘Did she seriously move the appliqué?? Forget the wedding, elope to Hawaii so you can have a nice day and not have to deal with her. Throw a dressy party for friends when you get back and send her a bill for the dress. ‘ 

Another user added: ‘Just because she worked hard to completely disregard your wishes doesn’t mean she was right or entitled to do so. Don’t feel bad about being upset at her she was way out of line! My mom is a guilt tripper too.

People rushed to her defense and supported her decision to fire off at her mom

‘I’m sorry your mom is taking your wedding and making it about her. Hopefully she doesn’t show up in a white dress too since she feels like it’s her day.’ 

‘You’re not overreacting, she did violate your trust and I’d feel the same way,’ one user wrote. 

Someone else wrote: ‘Please distance yourself from her after the wedding. If you don’t, she will destroy your relationship. I don’t know how much she helped you with this wedding, but I think that this all was a lesson for you. She oversteps boundaries and will try to control your life.’ 

Another user wrote: ‘And this is why elopement exists. You are not overreacting, you probably underreacted. Get far, far away from these people.’

One person wrote: ‘Take control of your life and elope. Tell your mom the dress alteration was the last straw. It’s actually pretty simple. You’re going to have to deal with the repercussions, but why wouldn’t you want to? If you’re an adult, act like one.

‘Good luck. I hope you don’t let your mom ruin YOUR day. If you do, she’s going to also ruin the rest of your life.’

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