The 'Black Spider' Memos Prove Prince Charles Will Struggle With 1 Rule When He Takes the Throne

Prince Charles has been the heir apparent to the British throne for 68 years. His mother, Queen Elizabeth, is the longest-serving monarch in UK history. During that time, there’s been plenty of speculation about how Charles will rule when he becomes king. According to the ‘Black Spider’ memos, Charles will struggle with one specific rule when he finally takes the throne.

Prince Charles sees the role of monarch in ‘a different way’ from his mother

While Charles has been mostly tight-lipped about how he will rule on the throne, he has made some subtle hints. In a 2008 documentary marking his 60th birthday, the Prince of Wales said he planned to exploit what he described as his “convening” power.

According to Express, Charles explained his function would be to bring people together to focus on important issues. He has also pointed out that he sees the role of the monarch in “a different way” than those who came before him.

Insiders have claimed in the past that Charles would continue to “speak his mind” when he becomes king. Queen Elizabeth has remained politically neutral during her reign. But, Charles has championed many causes that have come close to crossing the “no politics” line.

Sources say that Charles will stay true to his beliefs and contributions. However, they expect him to “check for tone and content” when making speeches to make sure he doesn’t damage the monarchy.

Charles’ coronation will take months to plan

Prince Charles will become king the moment Queen Elizabeth passes away. However, it will be months before Charles will be crowned in his coronation. According to Express, the coronation is the ceremony where Charles will be officially sworn in as king.

“The coronation ceremony, an occasion for pageantry and celebration, but it is also a solemn religious ceremony, has remained essentially the same over a thousand years,” read the royal family website.

The ceremony has taken place at Westminster Abbey in London for the last 900 years. The Archbishop of Canterbury conducts the service, which takes place after a period of mourning.

The coronation also takes an enormous amount of preparation. It is a huge public celebration attended by thousands. And, people from all over the world attend. Including representatives of the Houses of Parliament, church leaders, and prime ministers and VIP citizens from the Commonwealth. There are also multiple representatives from different countries all over the world.

The ‘Black Spider’ memos prove Prince Charles will struggle with remaining politically neutral

As Express notes, the UK Supreme Court allowed for the publication of the “black spider” memos back in 2015. The memos are a collection of documents – notes and letters written by Prince Charles.

The future king wrote the letters to different politicians and government ministers throughout the years. They show that Charles has a habit of “meddling” in politics, and that led to the nickname “the meddling prince.”

The letters cover a variety of topics, from education to the armed forces. Prince Charles wrote the letters privately. Their publication has many worried that Charles will struggle with remaining apolitical when he becomes king.

“[Charles] hasn’t had the platform in which to push through with his thoughts and that’s a tough thing to live with,” The Crown creator Peter Morgan said. “It’s hard to remain silent when you have opinions, and he has a lot of opinions about everything. His memos are legendary.”

In response to the meddling concerns, Prince Charles called it “complete nonsense.”

“I’m not that stupid. You can’t be the same as the sovereign if you’re the Prince of Wales or the heir,” he said.

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