This Earthy $12 Essential-Oil Mist Is Officially the Sexiest Scent I Own

If you say you haven’t thought about purchasing Le Labo’s Santal 33 perfume at least once, you’re lying. Calling the fragrance “popular” is an understatement: The potent scent is responsible for capturing the hearts of practically every New Yorker (and Jennifer Lopez). Unfortunately, that famous smell comes with a hefty $280 price tag for a full bottle — so despite my nose going into a frenzy when I get a whiff of its simultaneously smokey, spicy, and sweet notes, my wallet simply won’t allow me to indulge. While there is very little out there that captures the deeply intoxicating scent profile of Le Labo Santal 33, I discovered a body mist that happens to please my nose receptors in the same exact way: Indigo Wild Zum Mist.

I came across the inconspicuous frankincense and myrrh spray at CVS (I know, but stick with me here). The second I sniffed it, I knew I would love it for life. Made from six ingredients including 100 percent pure essential oils, the $12 aromatherapy mist can be sprayed anywhere, so it doubles as a body and room spray — you can even grab it as a candle, body oil, and laundry soap. It’s described as a “deep, uniquely woodsy scent” that “helps you to relax and unwind,” and that it is. It’s super earthy, warm, a tad floral, and just downright sexy. Sound familiar?

Indigo Wild Zum Mist and Zum Glow Tin

Shop now: $12;; $14;

The best part about it is that it’s strong. It smells the same both in and out of the bottle. About an hour after I sprayed the Indigo Wild Zum Mist on myself in the bedroom, my boyfriend came home and said he could smell it all the way by the front door. I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of power I’m looking for in a scent — the kind of power I thought only Le Labo Santal could have. However, its powerful scent shouldn’t be mistaken as overbearing — it definitely has a presence, but it’s not nauseating. (As confirmed by my boyfriend, who has a sensitive nose.)

I’m not the only one who’s obsessed — even Amazon shoppers agree that it’s a “magical fragrance.” Over 500 people have left the mist perfect five-star reviews, calling it “absolutely divine,” and saying the scent is so good that it’s hard to describe. “Imagine wandering through a deep forest and encountering a wizard. That's what it smells like.”

I know it’s hard to convince anyone that a $12 aromatherapy spray can share the likeness of Le Labo Santal, but it’s true. If you want that deeply invigorating musky scent without the high price tag, you’ll find it in the Indigo Wild Zum Mist frankincense and myrrh spray — trust me.

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