Woman furious as neighbours keep using her pool and she can’t ‘sunbathe topless’

The forum user, with username @Lokide92, explained that they are “very fortunate” to have a holiday home abroad.

They have a pool but their next-door neighbours don’t and they sometimes let them use it when they are not there.

The woman explained that last week the neighbours had family visiting with three children ages 11, eight and six and they asked if “the kids could have a swim as it was so hot”.

“We stupidly said yes, thought they’d be in for an hour or so, and it was six hours,” the angry woman claimed.

She continued: “They’ve been back today. Told them that they can’t come tomorrow as we want to relax. I like to sunbathe topless and feel that I can’t do this with kids about,” the Mumsnet user explained.

She also explained that they had friends staying and they wanted a few days to chill before going home in the UK.

“Told the neighbours that the pool will be free to use Monday onwards, but they said that’s ‘no good’ as their family will have left too by then.

“I don’t want to fall out, as they live here permanently and do keep an eye on our property,” but admitted that she was fed up.

She also added that the worst part was having to “watch their kids for six hours while they were in our pool”.

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Her post was inundated with comments from other forum users who opined she had really cheeky neighbours.

Forum user @hygge said that her neighbours had such a “good deal, six hours of free babysitting and pool use”.

Another suggested: “Are you near the sea? Couldn’t they take the children to the beach or a beach club?”

Another one opined they were very “cheeky saying Monday onwards is ‘no good’,” but added that it can be tricky if “they keep an eye on the place”.

Most people suggested that the best idea is “to have a chat with them when you’re calmer”.

The woman later updated users and explained that a few days later, she spoke to the neighbours and said that “I was upset that they felt that it was ‘no good’ that they couldn’t use the pool until Monday”.

“They were very apologetic and said that they hadn’t meant to sound rude,” and added that they are “on good terms again”.

She said: “I left it that they can continue to use the swimming pool when we’re away over the summer.”

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