Woman stages ‘Love Actually’ proposal at festival – and it gets quite cheeky

A mystery festival goer evoked a famous scene from Love Actually to carry out a heart-warming proposal.

Holding a stack of cue cards, the as yet unidentified woman let her soon-to-be-spouse Richard know just how much he means to her.

"Richard I love you," the woman explains through the first card as she stands at the front of the Confetti Stage at the Splendour Festival in Nottinghamshire.

She then flipped over a card which read "I love your inappropriate jokes" before turning things a little blue with one which admitted "and even the way you honk my boobs".

"I love how you make me more than I am," another card declared before the grand finale.

"Now will you take my hand, will you marry me?"

According to Nottingham Post 's photographer Paul Dixon, who was there to witness the bold proposal, Richard said yes.

The woman was imitating a now famous scene from Richard Curtis's Christmas rom-com classic, Love Actually.

In the film actor Andrew Lincoln plays Mark, a character who is helplessly smitten with Keira Knightly's Juliet – the wife of his best friend.

Having organised an absolutely bumper surprise for the couple's wedding ceremony, Mark treats Juliet in a curiously cold, distance manner.

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