Woman's boyfriend bans her from farting at home, because it's 'not ladylike'

We once heard someone say that at the beginning of a relationship you aren’t yourself, you’re an ambassador for yourself.

This means you show all the best parts and keep your negative attributes at bay, all while pretending you never need to burp, poop or fart.

By the time you move in with someone, it’s usually accepted that you’re about to see all of each other, from the stacks of dirty dishes to breakdowns over burnt toast — and that also includes no longer leaving the room to fart in case it puts your partner off.

However, for one female Reddit user, 24, who recently moved in with her 30-year-old boyfriend, this hasn’t quite been the case.

‘This feels ridiculous to post, but I have been with my partner for almost two years, and we just moved in together about four months ago,’ she wrote on the infamous Am I The A**hole subreddit.

‘Lately, he’s been getting really frustrated with me because he says I fart too much at home and it disgusts him. 

‘I tend to fart a few times at night, and he gets super grumpy, and has accused me of doing it on purpose (I’m not). He says I “don’t need to push it out.”’

She went on to say they got into a ‘big argument’ after she accidentally farted in the kitchen.

‘I am extremely fed up with him treating me like what I’m doing is unnatural and always telling me I need to be more like a lady,’ she wrote.

‘I feel like I should be able to fart in my own home without judgement. I told him I was sick and tired of his attitude and acting like I’m some sort of freak for doing something that everyone does.’

Yet, the comments show that this sort of attitude towards female farting is very much alive and well.

‘The comment about you needing to be more ladylike makes it clear that he’s a misogynist,’ wrote one user.

‘Had an ex who had truly terrible gas (later turned out he was celiac and lactose intolerant) and I never reacted with disgust. I usually expressed concern and asked him if he needed some medicine.

‘Of course, the few times I had bad gas he reacted with extreme disgust.’

Another said their ex used to do the same.

‘Oh man, my ex used to do this to me and actively made fun of me,’ they wrote.

‘He would even get his brother to make fun of me(he lived at home) and I became so self conscious. 

‘I was 22 and he was 24-25, I wish someone [had shot] some sense into me at the time.

‘I have farted during sex with my husband and he literally does not give a damn.’

Another said they spent nine whole years with someone who would only ‘permit’ them to fart in the bathroom or while they were sleeping. 

‘He would look at me so disgusted, then shame me, if I let one slip,’ they wrote. 

‘A while after we broke up, I shook my head and wondered why I would ever allow someone to treat me that way, because I was never fully at ease in my own home.’

Of course the general consensus was that the original poster was not in the wrong in this situation – that surely goes without saying – but this thread has shown that so many men out there need to get a grip.

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