Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for February


Hello, Capricorn babe. It’s now February 2020, but let’s take a quick moment to reflect on the past, present, and future. Think back to July 2018, when the eclipse occurred on the Cancer-Capricorn axis (you know, the one that impacts you the most). How has your life changed over these past 18 months? The Full Moon in Leo on February 9 will inspire you to evaluate your status quo.

Under this sky, you realize that nothing is set in stone and that you no longer need to compare yourself to others. You’re on your own timeline, Capricorn babe. Sure, there may be moments when things will move more slowly (or quickly) than you’d like, but at the end of the day, you’re the one setting the pace. Enjoy the ride…

But, uh, you may want to buckle your seatbelt this month. Mercury Retrograde begins on February 16, guaranteeing a couple of bumps in the road. Mercury is the planet of communication, so when this celestial body goes backward, it screws with all conduits of information (including but not limited to technology, transportation, and transmission). Things might get a little weird through March 9, but don’t stress too much.

Mercury Retrograde is a normal part of the cosmic cycle that simply asks us to slow down and catch our breath. Focus on reflection instead of action, and you’ll be good to go. Oh, and maybe don’t send a risky text to your ex at 3 a.m. That might be a good idea, too.

Last, but certainly not least: February also serves up a bunch of playful opportunities, especially towards the end of the month. On February 18, the Sun slides into Pisces, putting you in the mood to hang. The New Moon in Pisces on February 23 intensifies these social sensations and although you don’t want to admit it, you actually want to press pause on your workload.

It might feel unusual, but this is actually a great thing, Capricorn! You’re not a machine—you’re supposed to have some fun. So schedule brunches, movie dates, and even weekend getaways with your closest companions. And don’t forget, hanging with your friends does not mean you’re wasting your time; leisure is an essential part of life. Relish in it, Cap babe!

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