Disney Dreamers Academy Alum Keep It “100” About Their Experience

Disney Dreamers Academy? That’s easy to answer. It was when three Disney Dreamers Academy alumni shared how they received access to amazing mentors and programming that motivated them to be their best selves. Here’s what it’s like to “Be 100.”

TABATHA WILLIS, 21 (2018 alum)
Before Disney Dreamers Academy, Tabitha Willis had never taken part in a leadership mentoring experience. So, watching women in STEM lead workshops was a game-changer for the Ohio State University senior. Wills, a future surgeon and writer, credits Disney Dreamers Academy with teaching her this valuable life lesson: “Don’t let your fears scream while your dreams whisper.”

D’ANDRE JORGE, 19 (2020 alum)
D’Andre Jorge is determined to be a major player in the entertainment industry. And watching Disney films sparked his interest in filmmaking. At Disney Dreamers Academy, Jorge met Pixar animators, which exposed him to exciting career possibilities in the industry. “It was an opportunity to be connected to masters in the profession of our dreams,” he says.

JACQUELINE MEANS, 18 (2019 alum)

Jacqueline Means, a future pediatric neurosurgeon, felt seen at Disney Dreamers Academy because students were encouraged to use their “unique and special talents to make the world a better place.” Being a Dreamer and STEM studies advocate led to Means to make appearances on Dr. Oz, the Today Show and The View.

If you’re an ambitious high schooler (ages 13 to 19) who’s eager to link up with career mentors and discover life-changing skills at Disney Dreamers Academy, click HERE to apply for this four-day experience devoted to jumpstarting your career dreams. Submit your application by October 31st.

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