1.This person who puts knives in with the blade up:
2.And this person who puts dishes in right side up:
3.This person who dropped everything into the rack:
4.This person who puts plants in the dishwasher:
5.And this person who puts hats in the dishwasher WITH dirty dishes (like, I know this is a thing, but I can taste the sweat on the cup just thinking about it):
6.This person who lays dishes on top of each other:
7.This person who thinks dolls can be washed with plates:
8.This person who stacks dishes vertically:
9.And this person who stacks the dishes indefinitely:
10.This person who doesn’t realize plates go sideways:
11.This person who puts plates in the opposite way of bowls:
12.This person who just lays lids on top of the prongs:
13.This person who uses the wrong soap:
14.And this person who uses WAY TOO MUCH of the wrong soap:
15.This person who can’t be bothered to even put the silverware holder right side up:
16.And this person who doesn’t rinse out the dishes before putting them in:
Take a deep breath and love the person, not their dishwasher skills!!!
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